#cray posts about malevolent
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crayycrayon · 11 months ago
nice out fit LOSER. 1934 called. apparently osmething bad happened to arthur lester
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emperorsfoot · 7 years ago
Whether you choose to accept the Omniverse ret-cons that Osmosians are mutant-Earthlings, or still remain loyal to the Alien Force/Ultimate Alien canon that they’re aliens, you have to agree that they deserve more development. One of the “core three” main characters is an “Osmosian” yet deplorably little is actually explained about them. Not only is that not fair to the character, its also just plain bad writing. 
But this post isn’t complaining about that. This post is suggesting a Fan Theory and sharing a head canon. 
Using Omniverse Ret-cons...
 Osmosians are mutant-Earthlings:
Okay, so they’re not aliens. Osmosians are humans from Earth that just happen to have super-powers. That’s fine. This is fine. 
But we should have been shown more of them. Other human-Earthlings with “Osmosian” powers. Or, if they didn’t want to create a whole bunch of other characters, then give us more information. Servantis seemed to know what he was talking about. Give us some statistics. “1 in every 11 people has the mutation”. Too common? Okay, the mutation is unique to [x] demographic, but only 1 in every 11 people in that demographic have the mutation. 
If its a genetic mutation then it’s passed genetically. Mrs. Levin does not appear to manifest the gene, so how did Kevin get it? “Devin” Levin might not have ever existed, but he had to have some kind of father. Since Mrs. Levin doesn’t carry the mutation, it had to come from him. Is the Osmosian mutation attached to the Y-chromosome? 
After all, all the Osmosians we actually see are male. 
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My main man, Kevin. Our central Osmosian! 
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Aggregor, our Osmosian warlord. Terror of the Andromeda Galaxy, Predator of Celestialsapians, and super-sexy badass spear-fighter. (Sure, because of the Omniverse ret-cons he’s no longer his own person but a failed “clone” of Kevin. Servantis trying to reproduce the Osmosian mutation. But he’s still one of only 4 Osmosians we ever see on screen.)
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Devlin, Kevin’s son from the future who’s super cool and (much like the next one on this list) was only ever seen in ONE episode. 
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Finally, our sexy space-dad, Devin Levin. Sure, Devin doesn’t exist. But we actually get to see him on screen. That’s more than can be said about a lot of other characters that supposably exist in this franchise. 
Now, one could easily just say, “Renkon, you’re thinking too hard. We don’t see any other Osmosians because its a NEW mutation. For all we know, Kevin is the first. That’s why all the Osmosians are directly related to Kevin. That’s why Servantis took it upon himself to coin the name ‘Osmosian’ in the first place.”
Well, ya know what, you’re probably right. 
But I have an alternate theory!
And now, the actual Fan Theory:
So, in the original series, Max says that almost all of Earths myths and legends can actually trace their origins to alien encounters. I suggest that Osmosians are old as any other Earthling myth. Just nobody noticed because the myth -and Osmosians themselves- are from a small ethnic group that has been marginalized (and persecuted) consistently across human history. 
I have said it before on this blog, but “Levin” is a Jewish name. 
And guess what, we Jews have a mythical monster that actually fits Kevin’s powers pretty damn well! 
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, גולם the golem.
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But what makes the golem such a good fit for Kevin? Allow me to explain.
Golems are mostly male. There are a few instances of creatures fitting golem characteristics that are female. But, over all, the vast majority of golem we see in the mythical canons are male -just like every damn Osmosian we actually get to see in canon is male. 
Golem are not creatures for “good times”. They are meant to be threatening and ominous figures. Rather like Kevin. Yeah, he’s a good guy, but he’s also got a dark streak to him. He’s edgy, and dangerous, and violent, and kinda gets off on people being afraid of him. 
But while they might be dark and threatening figures, golem are not malevolent creatures. In fact, they’re guardians and protectors. All that ominousness and intimidation is for the purpose of deterring outright attacks and intentional harm to the Jewish people. Now think about Kevin and how territorial and defensive he is. Ben raises his voice to Gwen, Kevin turns around and tells him to shut the fuck up and respect her. Kevin’s house is destroyed and he straight up murders the guy who did it. Just imagine literally any scene when his car is involved. Kevin is territorial and protective, just like a golem. 
Finally, lets talk powers. 
Golem are creatures molded from cray, or sculpted from stone. They are stone men. And Kevin’s most used power is the ability to absorb and copy stone (among other materials that would make acceptable golem).
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But that’s not it. Golem are also supposed to be shape-shifters. And what’s Kevin’s second favorite power?
His shape shifting.
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And, let us not forget that Kevin was shapeshifting before he ever learned to control it. 
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“Osmosians” are actually golem, or at the very least the decedents of golem, and the “Osmosian mutation” or “golem gene” is attached to the Y-chromosome which is why the only Osmosians we ever actually see are male. 
So, that’s my theory. 
Y’all are free to disagree with it. In fact, I’m pretty sure most of you will disagree with me. But I’ve been thinking about this for a while and felt it was about time I shared. 
Obviously, Kevin himself is secular. 
But that doesn’t mean he can’t be of Jewish decent and descended from a line of golem. Or that “Osmosians” are just what a stupid goy like Servantis calls golem. 
[ Part 2 of this post can be read HERE ]
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crayycrayon · 8 months ago
i honestly love the "you are my purpose" scene so fucking much, but i really wish the fandom would acknowledge what oscar was actually talking about. because the only interpretation i see is romantic. and fanon is fun don't get me wrong, but i've literally only seen somebody talk about it once,
so allow me to,
oscar feels regret for what he's done, he failed to fully save his friend. he clings onto religion as something to save him, if he puts his life into god, he can repent for what he's done. he can be a good man if he puts his purpose into god.
but then incomes arthur, a man who wears his shame and guilt through the scars on his body and the words he uses. a man who clearly has a screw loose and doesn't care what others think about it. he doesn't take shit from others, and he certainly won't take shit from a priest with a drinking problem.
but this man cares, this man wants to help, this man is so clearly bad to oscar, but he's doing everything he wants to do like it doesn't even phase him.
he sees this man, who has destruction follow him through the butcher, be able to put back the pieces, he can't do it perfectly, the trauma will not leave, but what matters to oscar is that he's trying. and that trying has an effect on people.
and so, oscar wants to be like arthur, he wants to follow in his footsteps. even though he has caused so much hurt, he sees through arthur that he can be a good man, without being the perfect man. without having to put everything into god.
and that's why he calls him his purpose. he's deciding to put his energy in the same place he saw arthur put it with daniel. because that way he can be helpful to people, like he's always wanted to be.
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crayycrayon · 10 months ago
i just want to remind everyone that while john does have vision, he doesn't control arthur's pupils.
when john looks around, arthur isn't looking around. arthur either stares off into space or looks in the general direction of the person. because john doesn't control his pupils.
i'll put some scenes below to back up what i'm saying because it seems to be a common mistake (or it's a plothole).
Episode 9 - "The Boat"
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arthur has no reaction to the gesture in front of his eyes. john probably does react, but we don't know if he is since he wasn't talking to arthur during this scene. but if he did react to it, it means his eyesight isn't connected to arthur's pupils.
Episode 29 - "The Train"
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Episode 34 - "The Butcher"
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the butcher notices it too, while we know that john most likely looks people head on (because of the descriptions he gives about other people) arthur doesn't! he looks in the general direction of the noise they're making, but not at them.
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crayycrayon · 10 months ago
men will literally become blind and get an eldritch boyfriend instead of like. going to therapy
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crayycrayon · 1 year ago
i think john just hates people who sing in cars. he calls kellin unstable after he starts singing in the car and he tells arthur to tell oscar to shut up when he sings in the car
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crayycrayon · 1 year ago
yknow whats even worse than arthur and john not going to england? them not going to go SEE A MOVIE.
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crayycrayon · 10 months ago
arthur could survive john possession because he's a monsterfucker. which gives the implication that the Arthur's who didn't survive the john possession were not monsterfuckers. glad we're killing off the weak
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crayycrayon · 8 months ago
no no no no no witch! don't impregnate arthur! you don't know how much of a bad idea it is to give this man a kid!
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crayycrayon · 11 months ago
people dont talk about the butcher enough in this fandom. the fact that even subtle details like the sound effects that play are different in part 34 is such a fucking gorgeous attention to detail. showing hes similar to arthur. to have these reactions to result in the sounds that'd play. but to have a musical twist on all of them? mwah! chefs kiss! even though arthur is a pianist it doesnt form his life in the way music does to the butcher. seriously you should relisten to part 34, and compare and contrast it to episodes where we're in arthur's pov, its so fucking cool to see how harlan changed even the smallest things to fit. he's easily my favourite villain in malevolent
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crayycrayon · 9 months ago
love is in the air? WRONG! hundreds of flesh eating flies
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crayycrayon · 10 months ago
I have had ENOUGH of you two. im banishing you to 13TH CENTURY ENGLAND
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crayycrayon · 11 months ago
kayne had a lot of audacity to make fun of john for his name when he's a spelling mistake off of kanye
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crayycrayon · 11 months ago
john talks a lot of shit for a guy who doesnt know what a wheelchair is
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crayycrayon · 9 months ago
Oscar walking dick first into that haunted house with arthur and the only thing he lost was his arm. sad!
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crayycrayon · 10 months ago
I think instead of "you only have eyes for him" kayne should've just said "oh my god I hate you faggots. i can reclaim its ok"
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